Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Midway Update

     I have been doing lots of things that are all intertwined and liable to change, and so, have not been able to post any finished material, and still it is not done, so I thought I would instead write what I have done so far and what I plan to do.
     I have been making history, though I can't say I've been making history on this world, I've been making plenty on Dunta. More is yet to come and much will probably be changed, but I will show what I have so far. I have the stages in a series of maps run by flash player below. The dates below the different maps are very approximate and correspond to the development of Dunta in relation to Earth. The territories start in the middle eastern portion of the "L" shaped continent. The light blue is currently referred to as the "okoda"; the red as the "okoda rebels" the yellow as the "wu/shem lulis"; the light green as the "wu/shem lulis rebels" (the "u" raises in pitch) the pink as the "soŋi nrsuvu" (the final "u" is not pronounced); and the northern territories in the savanna as the "sav tribe(s)."

(Earlier times will be posted shortly, but the main idea is that some sort of being comes from space and become take the shape of the natives on the central continent (who are the same as the okoda) and give them new tools and technology, but do not explain how it works, and they give them certain knowledge about astronomy specifically that the sun is more important to okoda-life than the moon which contradicts their religion (which is the ancestor of the okoda religion). Some people believe the new beings, but others stick to the traditional form of the religion.
     (When the beings leave the natives are left with tools, but no knowledge of how to repair them or make new ones, so they use them how they can until they break. The most important one was the boat which was used to inhabit neighboring islands and travel to the western continent where they enslaved the natives there (the okoda) and set up plantations to support the growing population. Two plantations that were farther away from the ocean and the main river were overcome by the slaves before the religion was thoroughly put upon them and after the language had started, and they fled to the mountains from the central continents. Soon after the plantations were set up civil war broke out between the moon followers and the sun followers on the central continent, which forced the sun followers to leave the plantations as they had taken up on the eastern side of the central continent and the work needed to get there from the western continent outweighed the food.
     (Soon after the war had started a deadly disease erupted. It came from the food brought from the western continent and traveled mainly through the water so almost all of those downstream died. The war ended as there was not enough resources on either side left to fight, and if an army was sent to attack it would probably die from the water. Eventually the natives were forced to flee to the mountains and high places and were without their tools as they had all broken and were forced to relearn what they had forgotten. When the okoda began to inhabit the central continent they had already become immune to the disease as they had lived with the disease all of it's life. The central continent natives left them alone, because the okoda had strange tools and could drink the water and were thought to be the space beings who were no longer trusted.)
3000 BC.) The okoda do not like the wu/shem lulis because they worship the sun spirits and they eat herbivores. Their religion is completely backwards to the okoda’s. The okoda wage war against the wu/shem lulis to end the outrageous effort against the moon. The wu/shem lulis flee north away from the attacking force, but the okoda take the wu/shem lulis’s former territory. The okoda’s government is under a new ruler who is unkind and relentless to the common citizen especially those of the lower classes and the military. Many of these people revolt against the ruler and attack him, but the military that did not leave, forces them away north.
2000 BC.) The okoda rebels join the wu/shem lulis as an effort against the unforgiving moon spirit who rules the okoda. Many wu/shem lulis do not trust the okoda rebels and separate from the wu/shem lulis.
1000 BC.) The wu/shem lulis and the military of the okoda rebels attack the okoda. The wu/shem lulis run into great hunger (with all efforts being put into making weapons and the occasional raids from the soŋi nrsuvu which have become quite common with most of the defenses attacking the okoda) and are forced to stop most of the way through. After the battle the okoda rebels were trusted even less by everybody and were treated very poorly. The wu/shem lulis rebels start feeling around in the northern savanna and learning from the natives there. The okoda explore the continent to the east.
500 BC.) As the wu/shem lulis’s economy is just growing back again the soŋi nrsuvu and the wu/shem lulis rebels attack them. As they are being attacked the okoda rebels that are in the military sabotage the wu/shem lulis military and attack from within. This all leads to the end of the wu/shem lulis, but the wu/shem lulis rebels are expanding into the northern savanna and converting many tribes to their religion and ways. Those tribes that did not convert are forced into the mountains were they started a new tribe on the other side. The wu/shem lulis rebels also sent boats south to the southern savanna and started a new city there.
1 AD.) The soŋi nrsuvu, unaware that the wu/shem lulis rebel’s empire has grown so greatly attack them from the south. This leads to a counter attack from the wu/shem lulis rebels which wipes the soŋi nrsuvu off the map (the southern city did not know what was going on until the very end, so they played very little part in this war).
500 AD.) The okoda invade the wu/shem lulis rebels.
1000 AD.) The sav tribe invades the wu/shem lulis. The okoda and the sav tribes together force the wu/shem lulis into the northern steppe and take their former territory.
1500 AD.) The sav tribe makes truces with both the okoda and the wu/shem lulis. The okoda inhabit all of the rainforest and savanna on the central continent. The okoda on the western continent fight for independence from the central continent okoda and win the war.

     That is the beginning of the history which helps me to explain the next idea: Dega's family tree. First I have a tree of the speakers of the languages:


Savanna           R-Forest

/———|————\           /————\

Norths  South1    Ocean1     Mts.        Forest

/———\                                                /———\

      North      South2                                Ocean2      Land
I decided to fill as many of these in with the grammars if not the vocabulary of the languages I have already started (in bold):

Úlan Nésiv*


Savanna              Sazh**

/———|————\           /————\

Ghumlezh South1    Ocean1  Kési***      Dega

/———\                                                /———\

      North      South2                                Ocean2      Chami
*The new name for Úlan Sel. I also want to note that I assigned a new set of characters the rest of the vowels that I use other than Dega:  é - bed, í - bid, ú - good, ó - bud, á - bad.
**I think it is going to be an Úlan Nésiv creole of some sort, but I don't know what language, or even language family it will be creoled with.
***Kési is a new language that I made up fairly recently. It uses a syllabary and has the peculiarity that if the last vowel is the same as the second to last vowel then it is not pronounced (I might of made it up, but I think Mayan may do this as well.) It also has another peculiarity that it only has 22 verbs which would make it a perfect candidate for coming out of Sazh since it only has 4 verbs.

     That leaves me with 6 languages that need to be edited together, and another 6 languages that need to be made, so it may be yet another long while before I post again.
Fourth sentence translation of "The Creation of Humans, Herbivores, and Carnivores":
Four -   Ate    sun-spirits and moon-spirits day divided-by two during and   slept     they    day divided-by two other during.
Det - Kulatase     azani     ko        eseri    dortod       zu           zor      ri     ki   kidatase ogor dortod       zu               zor     isi       ri.

zani - N. sun spirit
seri - N. moon spirit
si - Adj. same/-/other
kido - V. to sleep

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