Wednesday, July 6, 2011


     Koda of course means person or human, but things have changed a lot from past posts and they are (and probably will be) continuing to do so; the most recent change to make Dunta a little more interesting is that "koda" does not mean "human" rather it is more of "person", or "sapient being that lives on planet Dunta." This is because the okoda are not human. The okoda are different. 
     LIMBS: They tend to have 6 limbs: two arms which are called "usuna" and two legs which are called "ukusi." On each hand and foot they have six digits which are called "itini"; the toes and fingers are not normally distinguished, but if necessary one can say "digit of hand" for finger: "tini sunosos" ("sunosa" is hand) or "digit of foot" for toe: "tini kusosos" ("kusosa" is foot). Both foot and hand use the infix "-os-" (definitely related to the genitive suffix) which comes right before the case ending. It is used to indicate that something  is a part of another thing; a hand is a part of an arm, and a foot is a part of a leg.
     SENSES: The okoda's sense of sight (donota (From the genitive of to see: dono, which is then from light: dona)) is not as powerful as the humans'; it can sense color and shape and distinguish between two objects, but it does not sense distance and depth very well since their eyes (etera* (plural: tetera)) are closer together than human's, but this is made up for with their sense of sound (negota (from genitive of to hear: nego)) which is very strong and can sense distance reasonably well of things that are not too far away. Their sense of touch (zemita (from genitive of to hurt: zemit))is the same as humans'. Their sense of smell (nasa (from to smell: naso which is from nas)) is pretty much just good vs. bad, ripe vs. rotten, et cetera, but their sense of taste (keyonaza (from speech of mouth: keyotata nazos)) on the other hand can tell all sorts of stuff; it makes things taste better or worse depending respectively whether the substance is needed or not needed, where the substance can be many things like nutrients, sugars, carbohydrates, et cetera.

Third sentence translation of "The Creation of Humans, Herbivores, and Carnivores":
Three - Moved   spirits themselves Dunta  to   light  by-means-of and      ate     they plants.
Min -  Zunatase oradani    ogor     Duntod zu donod       kit           ki   kulatase ogor   arari.

zemit - V.T. to hurt/attack V.I. to be in pain/hurt
zemita - N. sense of touch
zuno - V. to do/move/work
dono - V. to see
donota - N. sight
tini - N. digit/finger/toe
suna - N. arm
nego - V. to hear
negota - N. sense of sound
naza - N. mouth
nas - Adj. disgusting/rotten/soft/-/ripe/delicious/tasty/-/unripe/hard/firm
naso - V. to smell
nasa - N. sense of smell
keonaza - N. sense of taste
kusi - N. leg
ki - Conj. and (goes between sentences)
kit - Post. by means of/by way of/via/by
etera - N. eye
-os- - Infix. used to indictate a part of something (put in word right before declension suffix)

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